The Wayback Machine -
++ Welcome !
Creative Commons music only, from the growing netlabel scene,
Streamed in 192kbs quality by using the Shoutcast technologie.
Music selected by .
Enjoy the pure netlabel double flow, the free music flow, the free webradio.

+++  2 stream [192Kbs - mp3] +++

++ News + Goodies

New design, an Ajax touch, to be more "modern" ;-) thanks to Rico

Coming soon: 64kbs streaming for handled devices [pocket Pc, smartphone,..]
Thanks again, people, to all your support !!

Last 20 played tracks stream 1
Last 20 played tracks stream 2
++ Contac Us + GuestBook

Feel free to send demo mix or music, [Creative-Commons or Public-domain music only ! ]
[[ subnetlabel [at] yahoo [dot] com ]]

or leave us a message in the G U E S T B O O K .

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++ Links to Netlabels
"Merci beaucoup" to all artists / people contributing to the netlabel scene !! There is links to netlabels played on this webradio.
Please let me know if i forgot one.
Big part of our stream
is selected from :
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